Xanthan gum uses

Xanthan gum is a widely used food additive, which is produced by fermenting glucose and/or sucrose with the bacterium strain, Xanthomonas campestris. The name xanthan is derived from the bacterium that is responsible for production of the gum. Chemically, xanthan gum is a long polysaccharide consisting of three different chains of sugar. Its structure is more or less similar to cellulose, except the trisaccharide side chains. To be more precise, xanthan gum ingredients are glucose, glucuronic acid and mannose.

While xanthan gum has multiple uses in varied products, some people report food allergies to this additive. Those who are sensitive to corn and corn-based products are at a higher risk of manifesting xanthan gum allergies. Some of the allergic symptoms include headache, diarrhea, temporary increase in blood pressure and abdominal pain. In such cases, one can make use of a xanthan gum substitute. Following is a list of the popular substitutes for xanthan gum that you can consider using in gluten free and diary free recipes:

Xanthan gum is a thickeners agent used in pastry fillings, pie crusts and other baked goods and sauces. It is created through the introduction of bacteria during the fermentation of corn sugar. Substitutes for this ingredient include several older ingredients that xanthan gum was actually created to replace. These substitute ingredients may be more expensive.

Xanthan gum is a unique substance commonly found in food additives, cosmetic and industrial additives. It falls under the category of polysaccharides (a class of carbohydrate) and is usually produced by fermentation process. During fermentation, a strain of bacteria (Xanthomonas campestris) is added to glucose or sucrose. This turns them into gum.

Nevertheless, it is usually added for the purpose of thickening, stabilizing, and emulsifying a substance. You can also find out more about xanthan gum nutritional info online. Remember to choose wisely and choose a brand that meets your nutritional requirements.

Other thickeners: Carrageenan   CMC    Pectin

Par Xylitol le mardi 21 juin 2011


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