Maltol informations

Stout beer and some coffees are good sources of maltol, an antioxidant found in chicory and roasted malt. Widely used as a flavoring agent, maltol confers a fragrant, caramel-like odor to many foods such as breads and cakes.

Maltol accrues as typical flavour by various browning processes, such as in the baking of bread and the roasting of cocoa and coffee beans. It has a caramel-like taste.

Maltol is applied to many foods as:
1.flavour enhancer; it provides the distinctive aromas of baking and roasting intensifier of sweetness in confections and chocolate products, desserts and beverages; by adding minor amounts of maltol, 15 per cent of sugar can be saved aroma and flavour enhancer for intense caramel aroma.

Maltol(belong to Flavorings) also called laxarinic acid, palatone, veltol; chemically 3‐hydroxy‐2 methyl‐γ‐pyrone. Found in the bark of young larch trees, pine needles, chicory, and roasted malt; synthesized for use as a fragrant, caramel‐like flavour for addition to foods; imparts a ‘freshly baked’ flavour to bread and cakes.

Maltol is an extensively-used food additives. When added to a broad group of substances, it increases and sustains their sweetness and fragrance. It is used to formulate essences for food, cigarette and similar kinds of consumables, It is extensively used in food, beverage, tobacco, brewery, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industries.

Other food additives:I(+)G Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Non Dairy Creamer

Par Xylitol le lundi 20 juin 2011


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